sAW THIS WINTER FITNESS QUOTE AND LOVED IT! We must always remember that we have to fight through the bad days to earn the best days of your life! luv this one! Keep active and snuggle up tonight with someone you adore! xxxx The Bee
Well a very frosty hello everyone and I do hope your keeping warm and diggingout your boots, big furry jackets or hanging by the fire.
Winter time is awesome time read some great books, clean up your house, get a new food plan going and make some yummy hearty winter homemade soups! I just love going to an cute cafe and having some delish soup and a nice coffee.. mm indeed but it is always nice to make some yourself as well. See a cool movie with the kids is also a good treat(seeing Antman with the Jay) Whatever you end up doing have fun and stay warm my little Hotfoxs!xxxBEE
very proud of my longtime Hotfox Adrienne See! She is mighty fine form in her health and fitness after being sick. Sometimes you sure do come back even stronger! A sensible eating planot overtraining, plus a positive attitide can conquer all things! I always love uping the anti with Adrienne and she is always keen to try anything I throw her way! Lifting weights sure does make you feel great folks!
I love this quote from Audrey! For isn’t it so true indeed! My other thoughts for this Hotfox week are see the sunny side of every situation and think before you speak as negativity to yourself or to others only comes back to bite you on the butt indeed. Take your frustrations out on a punching bag, a bloody good run, but hell sometimes a bloody good scream or cry let it all out of your system doesn’t it….. I know it does for me but then we always feel much better and we release it so that more wonderful things are gonna happen to us! GREAT THINGS ARE COMING YOUR WAY PEOPLE THINK IT AND THAT IS WHAT YOU SHALL TRULY ATTRACT! Don’t forget to flash your smile to release those feel good endorphins ! yay and always remember how great it is to be YOU! Start to be the kind of person that you would like to hang out with …think what traits do you like in a person …for me its a chilled out,well mannered, happy burst of sunshine who is assertive yet kind! What traits do you like in a person think about it from today and that should be the person you will attract in friends,partners, business or simply on the street and practice to others what treatment you would like to see given to you! Get enough sleep, eat well, train hard,read great books, be a good friend, daughter, brother, mother or lover and become the best version of you! If things or the people in your life really give you the shits….give them a break, leave the room and scream serenity now and give em your best blue steele moment haha!
I really enjoy winter here are some things that are good to do this time of year. 1. change your hair colour 2. wear you black leather gloves! 3. change your foundation and be sure to keep your skin routine up to avoid having winter flaky skin! 4. donate your old clothes to charity! 5. turn that old unused room into your new workout room! 6. highlight your best bits with eye makeup! 7. plan your chriisy holiday!8. invest in a good qulaity protein powder! 9. read a good book in the sunshine! 10. work out hard and go and buy some new workout gear and shoes to get you actually using that gym membership! Have a wonderful day everyone! Wear your leopard print with pride!
Good afternoon my lovely people. In winter time we need to watch those portion sizes. To help keep a healthy portion size use a smaller plate, avoid going back for seconds. Aim to fill your plate with veg, one quarter with meat or meat alternatives like chicken,fish or legumes and the last quarter with gains and cereals. As always go for the wholegrain option and be sure to read those food labels sure does open your eyes as to whats in you food.
QUOTE FOR OUR HOTFOX WEEK…..You are the creator of your own reality because you are the chooser of your thought right now! So thinking of mindless and needless shittt STOP IT RIGHT NOW! Start thinking of what you want to be and where you want to go in your life! TAKE THE STEPS TO MAKE THE CHANGE! STOP DREAMING ABOUT IT AND JUST DO IT!
A smile doesn’t always mean a person is happy sometimes it simply means that despite everything they choose to remain positive ! WEAR YOU HAPPY FACE ALWAYS FOLKS NO MATTER WHATS HAPPENS !
Never a better time to dry out from drinking than dry July! Alot of my dear Hotfox its the grog not carbs, chocolates! Lets cut it out now! Replace the habit with a nice night cap of herbal tea, warm skim milk( yes I know it sounds boring lol) but it is much better for you not to mention you don’t wake up with a sore head. Instead of boozy nights out why not go for a fun movie night, catch up with coffees! YEE HAY TO DRY JULY
Congratulations to MISS AMY HOTFOX!
Amy was a girl who umm wasn’t so keen on her gym work but since we have been training she has been kickin goals! We actually made her want to turn up not like having a gym membership that she never used! Just look at that leg definition! Enjoy your lorna jane voucher babe xx