So make sure u really mix things up in 2015 no more plateaus okay! Change and challenge in every possible way. Do the things you might not have done before , take more risks, determine yourself to eating better or cutting down that alcohol habit to maybe just a once a week treat, speak to people you may have not spoken to before, make use of your gym membership( i know i have to this year lol) learn the love of cooking your own healthy foods and being your very own master chef!
try to get in t least 30mins of exercise cause remember someone who is busier than you is running right now! Workout with a buddy who you will have to show up for and turn it into an enjoyable catch up! (though make sure its a sweaty and puffy catch up lol) I’m really excitied about the new year and reaching my set goals and having some changes in habits so we all can definitely try to make ourselves even better this new year! luv ya ladies and be the dream your new life is awaiting you you just have to go and find it! yee ha dedication to yourself and training hard pays off just ask MARY! WOW GIRL