2. more effective weightloss
3.good sleep
4.increased energy
5.heart health
6. more calorie expenaiture
7. gives you the good curves and good bone health!
There you have it ladies weights are great! You won’t get bigger but stronger, more confident,able to run up your stairs, lift the kids and feel fantastic and whats not to love about that! WEIGHTS ARE GREAT!
We often can say it is for crackpots lol but I really believe in meditating. Finding a quiet spot and letting go of whatever is bugging you. We can often get so caught up in own negative thoughts be they stress, depression, anxiety! Let go now they serve us no purpose except increase your cortisol levels and solve nothing! Find the quite, light a candle and enjoy the silence!
FEEL GREAT IN THE SKIN YOUR IN AND KICK BAD HABITS TO THE CURB! My own mantra for this week! If I can do it anybody can! Compare and compete with no one but yourself and be better than the day before!
Every 35 days, your skin replaces itself, your liver about a month, Your body makes these new cells from the food you eat. What you eat literally becomes you. You have a choice in what you’re made of so make sure you eat healthy foods 95% of the time. 5% the occasional treat!xxxHAVE A WONDERFUL FUN FILLED ACTION PACKED WEEKEND. LOOK OUT FOR ME AT THE RED HILL MARKETS SOON………XXX HOTFOX BEE