Apr 282015

church 2014 red 705_ppThis week be sure to have a fresh veggie juice, homemade fruit smoothie and add some good quality protein powder! Make it colourful with what you eat! Lift weights to feel great, even doing a few bicep curls with two cans of baked beans is good if you don’t have any weights. Utilize whatever you have at home …got a chair do  30 tricep dips, got a bench do some step ups for me! MOVE IT! This time of year is wonderful to get really motivated and right into your health and well being!download (21)church 2014 red 892_ppconfidence

Apr 282015

Accept yourself whatever size you are!But always look for ways to improve and feel better about yourself! Cause we def come in all different shapes and sizes! DO A FEW SETS OF THESE FOR BEE WHILE YOUR AT IT! FOR LUNCH THIS WEEK CUT UP SOME SWEET POTATO INTO BITE SIZES AND POP IN YOUR LUNCHBOX! A YUMMY AND NUTRIENT FILLED THING TO ADD FOR TOMORROW!
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Apr 282015

church 2014 red 734_ppThere’s a clear distinction between essential fats and saturated fats. The body needs essential fats in order to function properly. Foods such as avocados, nuts,fish, and cold pressed oils  all provide these necessary fats. Saturated fat,on the other hand is a non essential fat the body doesn’t need it, even though we often find ourselves craving foods such as crisps, that contain saturated fat.

By cutting out saturated fats and including more essential fats and including more essential fats in your diet, you can enjoy the satisfaction that comes with eating healthy foods containing fat and minimize any cravings for unhealthy foods! EAT THE GOOD FATS AND LET’S AVOID THOSE BAD TRANS FATS!church 2014 red 703_ppweight 036_pp

Apr 282015

church 2014 red 712_ppimages (57)The foods we eat have the greatest impact onour outward appearance and our inner energy levels, so it’s vital that we eat a wide variety of food to reap the nutritional benefits. Most of us tend to limit the range of foods we buy to those we feel comfortable eating-which can then lead to boredom and a desire to reach for fast food, processed snacks and takeaways.  One of my aims is to encourage you to eat as many healthy foods as possible, all the nutrient dense foods such as wholegrains,beans,nuts, seeds,oily fish and fresh seasonal vegies make your plate as colourful as you can.

Apr 242015

Have you ever noticed that some people brighten up the room as soon as they walk in??It is cause the effect of how they make others feel. A SKILL that anyone can have here is how…. 1. BE GENUINELY interested in people! you don’t have to love everyone,but you should be curious or fascinated by people in some way.  Charming people walk in a room ready to  spend time talking to others. 2. REMEMBER PEOPLE’S NAMES! It is the sweetest thing to hear and be sure to use it. 3. ASSUME RAPPORT! Kindness coupled with respect makes people feel loved and cared for ….people may forget you but they will and should never forget of how you made them FEEL!! I personally believe the sheer skill of listening to people is so underated make sure you listen more than what you speak, we do have TWO ears and only one mouth after all ha ha! DON’T FORGET TO PLAY UP YOUR ASSETS WORK THOSE EYES AND HYNOTIZE! XXBEE
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Apr 242015

Oh yes you know the old drill annoying question of ‘where would you like to be in five years’! Although bloody when it’s asked it is a good question to ask ourselves isn’t it!

I personally changes in many ways , now have a funny and  hormonal 11 year old (going on 16) LOL! I  have also changed the way I think bout things, which  is always good , cause aren’t we always ever evolving. While success and happiness is always gonna be different for each of us, we humans all essentially want to be happy,loved,fufilled,respected! Be sure you always display the behaviour that  you would like to experience yourself and as the saying goes ‘be the change you wish to see in the world!church 2014 red 551_pp It truly is amazing when you look for the beauty in everyone and everything just go  out and find it!!xxbee

Apr 242015

BBBBBBBBBBBHowdy folks, happy Friday! Its coming on five years since I started my blog WOW! I  have trained alot of ladies in that time.

The most important thing I have found is how important it is to identify what motivates you always and keep reviewing it to keep you on track!

Maybe six months ago you wanted to get fit to have energy? Then maybe it feeling and looking great that keeps you going. See how important it is to keep reviewing and thinking bout what drives us. I have also helped alot of ladies who have with the dreaded black dog and I so know and believe that exercise is the best tonic(try it before you hit the meds) it sure is a big  problem today. The best you can do to help yourself when you suffer blue moods is to get out have a walk, talk with a mate, see a funny movie, listen to your fav music, and if you can’t change something, change the way you think bout it!! We can’t change other people but we can change ourselves that’s for sure! Just think of all the great things you have to look forward to (yes you whoever is reading BEE’S BLOG! GET OUT AND START MOVING AND ENJOY YOUR LIFE TO THE MAX!!

Apr 242015

Pocket rocket Nancy, is forever committed to her fitness and her jump squats are on  par to being the best Hotfox has ever seen.nancy april HOTFOX 010_pp PHOTFOX LOGO FILES 009ink power to you Nancy! You deserve the acalade! ALways one to give anything a go (that is rather brave) given what I throw at YOU! WHO WILL BE THE MAY HOTFOX??HOTFOX LOGO FILES 009
nancy april HOTFOX 008_ppnancy april HOTFOX 011_ppnancy april HOTFOX 007