This is my rag rat Mr Jay who is now actually taller than his mum! Talk bout tall! Enjoy them while they are little folks..cause it certainly doesn’t last very long!
Arh yes its chilly this winter and of course we reach for the hearty and yummy stuff now don’t we!!!(hot chipps anyone?)
1. KEEP MOVING-maintaining your regular exercise schedule is crucial if over you wish to either maintain or lose weight over the cooler months. Grab a friend for more accountability.
2. SHAKE UP THE PLAN-its very common to crave comfort foods to keep warm. Why not indulge in some home-made soupsor stews that are laden with vegetables (non starchy of course).
3. STAY HYDRATED- Even when the mercury drops it is still important to keep up with your water intake. The cooler climate does not tend to give us the same prompts to drink, so it is important to keep your water bottle in sight.
4.LIMIT YOUR ALCOHOL!- Alcohol is also an easy way to clock up those unwanted calories that can be tricky to burn off. So,you are putting your feet up at the end of a long day,swap the glass of red for a mug of herbal tea and leave the alcohol for those special occasions only.
There you go girls get yourself moving so you can have a real transformation into feeling wonderful for summer time! Whatever it is motivating you… a little dress, fitting back into those jeans, feeling comfortable on your holiday!
Life truly is a journey, and you have everything you need to create the most desirable and fulfilling journey for yourself. Take steps each day to reach your life goals and you will not only be amazed at how well you will achieve them, but at how enjoyable and stressfree the journey will be. Your desires, priorities passions and even sometimes your beliefs will change! Always believe in yourself and be better than you were the day before!
HOTFOX RENEE HAS SUMED UP THE MEANING THAT SELF DISIPLINE TRULY IS THE MAGIC POWER THAT MAKES YOU VIRTUALLY UNSTOPPABLE! READY TO START THE NEXT JOURNEY OF EXCITING TRAVELS AND NEW ADVENTUReS! I WAS SO TOUCHED BY HER KIND WORDS THAT I WANTED TO SHARE…. ‘Thank you for being such an awesome personal trainer. I loved the way you mixed up the classes. You worked me really hard and I’m so happy with the results. I really enjoy how positive you are and how much you helped me with my diet. See you in two years”. I’m so very touched when my lovely ladies want to come back to me awww xxx
1. Think of the good things in every situation that you are in!
2. expect great outcomes in everything you do
3. Always look at the great things in everybody. Especially the person you are in a relationship with the most common mistake we have is focusing on the bad side of the person which leads us to forget about their good side.
4. there’s always something good coming your way always remember that
5. a positive mental attitude reduces stress, sparks proactive action, improves time management, boosts creativity,increases collaboration! whats not to love about being a positive human being! and finally
I’m loving this all natural protein powder at the moment. I find that alot of the other ones have all sorts of yukkies that we just don’t need. Hotfox can highly recommend TONY STEINS NATURAL PROTEIN POWDER! Doesn’t leave you feeling bloated either.
Spinkle on your oats in the winter mornings, have as an afternoon snack as a quick post workout pick me up! Or simply add to your food when you need a protein boost! GET INTO YOUR NEAREST HEALTH FOOD STORE TODAY!
Oh for the love of oranges!! ORANGES ARE ANOTHER SUPER FOOD THAT IS WONDERFUL FOR THIS TIME OF YEAR! WARDING OFF VIRAL INFECTIONS YAY! Here are some more of the other health benefits of the good old orange!
1.helps create good vision 2. regulates high blood pressure 3.protects skin against ageing 4. provides the smart carbs that won’t spike your blood sugar and cause problems with insulin and weight gain! love oranges!