Mar 272015

images (44)_ppDSC_0730-200x300_ppbelieve-you-yourself-self-confidence-3d-words-26510106belinda LEOPARD RED FRIDAY 075_pp1. go treat yourself to a facial

2. go and train

3. read a good book

4.try something new

5. see a funny movie

6.go and have a massage

7. take your dog for a long walk

8. clean the fridge out of all the crap.

9.drink more water! 10.get a new haircut/colour!

Mar 232015

bel 326images (38) Yes one size does not always fit all! For instance all of our health and fitness goals will be different! We must never compare ourselves to anyone else thats for sure! For instance look at all these different body types below! They all would have something different to work towards each day! You might not be as skinny as you were 10 years ago but keep working to be the best you can be right now and make sure you get the right nutrition AND MOVE AT LEAST 30 mins a day! WHICH BODY SHAPE ARE YOU?images (42)

Mar 182015

BLEU-DE-CHANEL-2015-793x594images (24)A nice maroon colour is always nice for blue eyes. Getting back to food now folks!..the foods we eat have the greatest impact on our outward appearance and our inner energy levels, so it’s vital that we eat a wide variety of food to reap the nutritional benefits. we need to aim to eat nutrient dense foods such as beans, oily fish, fresh seasonal veggies. PLAN , PLAN, PLAN! This arvo why not have a small square of dark chocolate! You deserve it …just maybe not the whole block folks! Now that’s a good looking man loving Gasparel Ulliel!

Mar 132015

It’s hard to find time to exercise if your week is busy, but fitting in a brisk walk everyday , or a  couple of workouts a week  at the gym, will mean that your success rate on a diet or lifestyle overhaul will be much better than if you nothing at all. Any exercise that raises your heart rate consistently for a minimum of 20 minutes is ideal. And whike exercise is essential, movement is even more crucial, take the stairs at work or walk to the next bustop to kep physically active. But don;t overdo things if you over exercise your metabolic rate may actually slow down in time. Have a small snack before and after you exercise to sustain your energy levels. LIFE IS ALL ABOUT BALANCE NOW ISN’T IT! BETTER STILL COME AND GONE HOTFOX BOOTCAMP! WE WILL GET YOU GOING!

Mar 132015

belinda LEOPARD RED FRIDAY 394_ppbelinda LEOPARD RED FRIDAY 407belinda LEOPARD RED FRIDAY 433_ppUs girls certainly need good and strong calves to wear great sexy shoes. I must admit to seldom wearing them but when I do  look out!! We also need good balance to wear our girly shoes so practice doing some one legged squats and lunges! GET TO IT LADIES AND HAVE A WONDERFUL ACTION PACKED WEEKEND!

Mar 102015

hghhhhhhhimages (13)HOTFOX LOGO FILES 009This Salmon has YOUR  name on it! Salmon is full of omega 3’s, full of protein and also very lean and full of the good fats that our bodies crave! Have it with a small serving of brown rice, salad, tofu, nuts and avocado! Yummy I love to infuse it with lemon! definitely Hotfox food!ff

Feb 102015

bel 392_ppbel 257bel 028_ppSuccessful weight loss is about monitoring your daily energy intake versus outake. If you enjoy having some carbs at night don’t freak out when someone puts some rice on your plate, just stick to yoit is ur one serve and account for it in your daily intake. The bottom line is carbs do not make you fat the amount you eat does. If you consume more than what you burn you will put on weight and it sure doesn’t matter if that is before or after 6pm! A more realistic aim is to eat a light dinner of mainly protein and no starchy carbs pasta, bread and potato and try not to have dinner within two hours of going to bedbel 167_ppbel 255. Add some weights and resistance (A HUMAN ON YOUR BACK ?)to your program. Hit those stairs and not the couch! GOOD WORK JD!bel 333_pp
bel 303