
Hi I'm Belinda Evans, I'm 34 years old and love getting women fit and healthy ready to take on the world....

Mar 182016

A very disciplined hotfox indeed! We have worked o getting Karen stronger in her arms, legs and a stronger and flatter stomach! This is what happens when you train with me! When you train its not all simply bout weight loss though ….you sleep better, your mood is better, your skin glows, and you have a new confidence that only comes from feeling fit! So proud of you Karen!
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Mar 102016

1. Prepare.Dedicate an hour to prepare your meals for the entire week. 2. Intensity over duration. Dedicate 30 minutes to complete your workout. 3. Visulise your goals. 4. Acknowledge your achievements and reward yourself as you reach your goals. 5. Test and retest, reset your goals as you achieve them and repeat!DSC_0050_ppDSC_0026_ppDSC_0022

Mar 102016

DSC_0387_ppHave you started a new program, recovering from an injury, are growing, or maybe you don’t eat meat like me. Well now is a good time to go and buy yourself a protein powder to give you a boost! Sprinkle on your brekkie, make as a smoothie or if your flat out you can use as a meal replacement in a shake! Always don’t forget to stretch before and after training!DSC_0367_pp 4343 DSC_0424_pp

Mar 042016

amy white bikni 182_ppamy white bikni 020_ppHappy Friday! The weekend is starting! Start fresh from today clear your mind of what it can’t!!!

Ask yourself these W questions!

WHO – are you is what makes you special. Do not change for anyone.

WHAT-lies ahead will always be a mystery. Do not be afraid to explore.

WHEN- life pushes you over, you push back harder.

WHERE- there are choices to make, make the one you won’t regret.

WHY- things happen will never be certain. Take it in your stride and move forward.!!


Feb 292016

DSC_0216_ppA very happy Monday! You know what? The best days are ahead of you and not behind you. Be aware that sometimes life can rob you of your dreams but don’t let it! Make sure you surround yourself with people who believe in you and your dreams…life is far too short to and we should never have regrets! I love the phase pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again! If your having a bad dayalways remember that its just a bad day and not a bad life! Always be stronger than your excuses! You can do it I know you can!

Feb 122016

hotfox claire 068_pphOTFOX cLAIRE has worked  hard on her health and fitness. Aiming for bub number 2 now after getting super fit. Looking super strong now and has achieve one of her goals be able to do a full push ! She has achieved it and planking downpat! Congratulations Hotfox Claire!
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Feb 122016

hotfox claire 013_pphotfox claire 044_pphotfox claire 051_pphotfox claire 057hotfox claire 071_pphotfox claire 115hotfox claire 105hotfox claire 113It will certainly make you fully accountable that’s for sure. If you have been stuggling with your weight, health and fitness level then give me a call. Let’s totally renew your motivation, break through those nasty plateaus and kick start your fitness.

Once you start getting fit and healthy it will totally give you a new lease on your life. Say goodbye to bat wing arms, flabby tummy,! Whatever it is that you want to work on BEE CAN get YOU RESULTS!

HOTFOX CLAIRE is doing a wide variety of things in these photos to work every body part. We have trained her upper and lower body here with push ups, barbell squats, some hardcore punching on the bag for 20 minutes(no she wasn’t smiling when we finish that) and we finished it up with everyone’s fav(not) good old burpees!! Contact me to feel awesome and transform your life! 0401297287