Apr 242018

MELISSA WHITE 040_pppenny 047Congratulations to Hotfox Penny! Nothing beats seeing just much progression my clients have through their training and Penny sure has displayed this and more ! Half the battle is sometimes just turning up and getting it done then going home with extra energy and yer maybe a little sore!! Congratulations to APRIL HOTFOX PENNY

BELINDA EVANS 012_pppenny 050penny 014_pp

Apr 282017

Digital CameraDigital CameraDigital CameraCongrats to my little hotfox for April Rona! Loving our strength training Rona is enjoying the other health benefits that training gives such as… improved memory retention, helps fight dementia and parkinson’s disease, reduces high blood pressure, helps counteract loss of muscle mass and of course helps us to maintain a healthy weight! Other side effects are beautiful skin, better sleep and improved mood! xxx