May 042015

greecan goddess 194_ppSometimes we put so much value on material things or the size of our thighs we forget that inside of us there is a beautiful human being with plenty to feel good about. When the scales send you into a spin, or you are frustrated that you are not just there yet,don’t turn to chocolate for a tasty but weighty hug. Do this little exercise instead. Take five minutes out of your day right now to email five friends. Ask them to indulge you for a just a few mintues,promise you will never send those stupid chain emails if they spare you some time and energy now. Ask your friends to email you with five of your best qualities. Print out the replies and stick them on your fridge, because sometimes it is the first place we go to to feel good. FRAME THEM, DECORATE THEM STICK THEM BESIDE YOUR BED OR OVER YOUR DESK. Its a simple reminder that you are a beautiful person and you deserve the very best in life and your friends and family luv and appreicate you for being you no matter what!greecan goddess 187_pp
greecan goddess 191_pp

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