Oct 022012

Here is another of my HOTFOX superstars. The lovely Merilyn! Merilyn is in her sixties and is still kicking ass, running marathrons, busy with her very active job, grandkids, training and housework. arhhh one busy lady indeed.

Doing better than younger folk and prob even me! Love your style Merilyn !




Jun 172012

I’am so very proud of my lovely client Julieanne Alroe. She always puts in 100% per cent into training and is so dedicated in keeping up her fitness inbetween our sessions, despite being a very busy CEO of the airport ,  her health has certainly seen the benefits of what regular training can achieve.  Well done Julianne looks like you going to be the JULY HOTFOX OF THE MONTH you are a HOTFOX superstar!

She can hold a plank for over 4 minutes simply amazing!