Apr 192014

Back off bitches I hear you say! Yes we all have those days when one thing leads to another and we get ANGRY moi included! ANGER IS A NATURAL emotion would you believe lol. How we deal with it will depend on how we conquer it for instance my way is to punch it out on bag, go silent and reflect on how to fix the things I’M angry about, or simply talking it out! Identify what gets your back up bitches so you can develop ways in which you can deal with it before unleashing a wave of vixen vemon lol and  yes yours truly have been found guilty before  or by doing something you regret or even damaging something if its truly got the better of you ! Look out people! No you don’t wanna do that!! Learn ways in which to harness you feelings of anger in a postive way and you can even have a better outcome then you ever expected to come out of this natural emotion. 

When we hold on to thoughts of anger, bitterness, hurt or resentment it only ends up harming us and does nothing to help solve anything. When I learnt that sometimes SHIT JUST HAPPENS I have always felt way better and able to deal with it AND VENT it in a more positive and contructive way. Meditation helps, boxing helps with an added bonus of getting fitter, talking to a friend helps, hugging you pooch or patting your cat helps as does walking on the beach or reading a book. Find out what YOUR path way to zen IS AND DO IT NOW! AND IF ALL ELSE FAILS REMEMBER THIS CUTE PIC IN THE MIDDLE! THE SUN ALWAYS COMES UP TOMORROW! WHAT DOESN’T KILL YOU DEFINATLY MAKES YOU STRONGER! WE ALL NEED LOVE AND HUGS NOT DRUGS MAN LOL!!
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