Aug 042014

Howdy folks! Hope you have all had an excellent weekend! Cannot believe it is August once more can you?? Geeze where has the year gone? Hope you have enjoy the first half of 2014 and if not well it sure isn’t too late to turn it around! Start getting up earlier and go running, make time in the morning for that healthy yummy breakfest, or blend up egg whites, protein powder, wheatgerm, greek yoghurt and anything else you wish to throw in there! I have been thinking recently about what makes a person really impress and stand out and it is good old fashioned manners.. THEY COST NOTHING BUT MEAN EVERYTHING! So no matter where you might be make sure to use yours cause it really does mean alot in todays world where everyone is caught up in their own world ! A simple thank you very much, please, excuse me etc! Say it folks whether your dealing with the baker or the candle stick maker TO BE A REALLY AWESOME HUMAN! Don’t forget to wave when a fellow driver lets you in people! MANNERS!images (84)download (11)images (37)

Aug 042014

merilyn hotfox for july 022OH YES THE LOVELY MERILYN WHO IS ALWAYS A JOLLY JOY TO TRAIN AND PUTS A SMILE ON MY DIAL! She has won the Redcliff jetty to jetty in her age group and has now taken out the Hotfox for July! Never missing a fun run and gets up at4 am on a Sunday for running that is what I call dedication! Nothing gets me out of bed out of my warm snug bed on a Sunday morning how about you?? You sure are a good example Merilyn!xxx Hope you enjoy your surprise!
merilyn hotfox for july 022