Jan 192013

1. Reframe your world through a positive lens. Give friends, family and colleagues the benifit of the doubt. Be slow to judge and quick to empathise

2.everyday for the next month write down something you’re greatful for.

3. if you knew you couldn’t fail what is one thing you would like to achieve today?? ( think about it)

4. row your own boat and focus on your efforts and personal goals- don’t get distracted by competition with others.

5. count your blessings

6. see a good outcome always/ think the best and you’ll subconsciously help it happen. expect the worst and well …see you later

7. smile everyday cause the sun always comes up tomorrow folks.

Jan 062013

DSCF0596_hotfox b1. throw out all the junk in the fridge

2. eat your greens 3. have a huge breaky full of protein 4. buy you fav bikini 5. drink plenty of water

6. take the stairs 7. get to bed early 8. ditch the caffine 9.do 100 squats a day 10. see yourself in your dream body right now!

Jan 062013

pink-bee-057-223x300FIRST KATIE2011-11-19 22.45.25‘I knew I needed to get healthy when I realised my meals consisted of red bulls, chocolate milk and anything processed.  Since going to BELINDA my whole lifestyle has transformed, fatty and sugar filled treats are a sometimes food. BELINDA gave me the drive and confidence I needed and now I’am 11kgs lighter which is more weight loss than I was aiming for. Thanks Belinda because of you I have so much more energy.  My transformation has even inspired my colleagues.’ KATIE’ 26 GAYTHORNE

Thanks Katie so happy to have helped you achieve your dream keep it up girl, you had a goal and we got to it woo hoo SAY GOODBYE TO RED BULLS VERY PROUD INDEED!

Jan 052013

DSCF0595Well hello my lovely ones — Bee’s back indeed! Was great to get back into training today!

Hope everyone has had a brillant start to 2013! My motto for this year is ‘MAKE IT HAPPEN’ yes, make this year your year to be healthy, weathly and very wise!

Wheather your goal is spritiual, physical, emotional or financial I believe’ MAGIC WILL HAPPEN THIS YEAR’and I’m excitied! WOO HOO