May 052015

What does real happiness make you feel? Everyone wants to be happy for instance when the sun shines it usually makes us happier, when a stranger smiles your way it usually makes us happier, when someone lets you in the traffic it makes you feel happy( I know I do) Try and identify what and when makes you happy… I’m so blessed that I do a job that makes people feel better about themselves and am so touched when they tell me or when my little boy is happy …..of course your version of happy will be uniquely all about YOU!Try and make someone else a little bit happier each day or at least try and smile and the world will smile with you indeed. I have been reading the simple act of making your face smile releases feel good endorphins and tells you brain to feel those wonderful so try to even though you may not feel like doing so. You can even break up a fight with a bit of good humour. TRY YOUR BEST TO BE YOUR HAPPIEST HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEK THATS YOU YES YOU XXXXLUV BEE
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